Blog Archives

Summer Wrap up

Way behind on posts.  Time to catch up some. Here’s a shot of Levi with a balloon dragon at a birthday party.  It didn’t last very long with a rough and tumble boy. Here’s a shot of Hunter Pence, a

Posted in Astros, biking, concert, Levi

Strawberry Fields and Biking Forever

We went strawberry picking again this year and had a lot of fun. Here I am with Levi before we start. He’s holding onto Charlie, one of his trains. While we were there he got to watch a real train

Posted in biking, Levi, MS150, strawberries

Christmas Time

Levi of course got all sorts of cool things for Christmas. He also has really started learning the main reason for the season. He knows about Baby Jesus and his mommy Mary and daddy Joseph. The Little People nativity has

Posted in biking, Christmas, Levi

No Noah, Just Levi

For anyone in Houston it won’t be news, but we have had a lot of rain here lately, especially 2 weeks ago. Each spring I do a charity bike ride from Houston to Austin, about 180 miles. This year, for

Posted in biking, flooding, Levi, MS150

