Lots of family love in all the pictures we’ve taken recently.
Watching TV together
watching each other
Hard to not get one of them blury with all the movement
Cruising on the couch
Trying to get her buddy Tyler, who represents her third word, Cat.
Daddy's girl gives loves of snuggles.
Levi got a cupcake sent home in a container. He didn't want to waste the icing.
Crazy eyes, brought to you by icing.
Silly girl always wants the camera
Its not easy to get 4 cousins and their mommies all looking at once.
Wrigley makes a break for it.
Growing up fast.
She's such a happy baby
Zoo trip checking out the LEGO Lemurs
A zebra made of over 30,000 pieces.
Silly face!
Eye of the tiger
The Lego giraffe
She wanted to get out of her stroller, but can't walk and it was too hot to carry her
We decided to feed the giraffes this time.
They eat leafy greens
Levi wasn't so sure about the idea at first, but he warmed up to it.
They have some crazy tongues.
Selfie for the ladies.
Getting the rest of the family in there
Now with more giraffe.
Saying hi to the chimpanzie
Her first drum circle
Big brother knew what to do.
We got to get up close to a lioness who was chilling by the window
Girls have such cute outfits
Big blue eyes
Munching on a minion
She didn't want her 10 month photograph done
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