Here’s Levi in his Go Redneck outfit. They call it “Go Texan” day and want everyone to wear boots and such. I’m a Texan and I don’t do that normally, so I call it Go Redneck, since that’s what they want you to dress like. His outfit is basically a white onesie with a vest sewn on the front.Kendra took a shot of Levi sitting in his car seat on the way somewhere. He looks a little dazed. Kendra has a few more shots of him.
Here we are at Buffalo Wild Wings for our birthday. We went with Kendra’s dad and step mom. Levi liked his chicken tenders, and the spoon.
On Sunday we went to our favorite restaurant, Carinos. Levi was coloring on his menu for a while. Here he is showing off his crayon.
Levi loves playing with his Duplos. He also has a really cute jumpsuit on. He likes to dump out the Duplos, hence the mess.
Pay no attention to the baby behind the curtain.
Oooh, camera, let’s see how fast daddy can move.
Here’s our little Irish baby. He’s part Irish, so it works. Technically he should be wearing orange since he’s Protestant, but that’s okay.
He loves walking around with his spoon.
Kendra had her gall bladder out on Monday, so we’re home from work to let her rest and recover. I had to stay home to keep an eye on her for 24 hours in case anything happened. Levi was sad he couldn’t climb and hug on Kendra. He kept walking up to her and talking to her.
Levi had a lot of fun playing with the cats this morning. They were put up all night, so they were feeling frisky and having fun wrestling.
After a while they were playing in the laundry basket and Levi decided to take a look
Levi was batting at Tyler and Tyler was batting at Levi. It was pretty funny to watch.
Levi likes to dance when he hears music. If you’ve never seen a young kid dance its great. He bounces at his knees up and down. Its really cute to see, but hard to capture with a photo. Here he is mid dance.
That’s all for now, and that’s only over a few days. We’re having a lot of fun with the new camera. Its easier to catch good pictures of him with it.
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