Birthday celebrations.

Since Robert and mines birthdays are so close together, we usually celebrate them at the same time. We went to Buffalo Wild Wings with my Dad and Rhonda. Here is a picture of us playing before we left. I’m not sure how we managed to not get as many pictures. We were playing with the camera.

At BW3

On the way home. Notice the 1 shoe. It was cold out and he just would not leave his shoe on.

We went to Carinos with my Mom, Charlie, Matt and Jennifer.

Italian Cream Soda. Yum and free refills!!!

My Mom and Charlie.
Levi coloring.
Levi and Uncle Matt
The whole group.
Uncle Matt and Aunt Jennifer
Levi playing with his truck when we got home from BW3. He wouldn’t hold still to let us put his pants back on him.
Having a snack.

Blogger is acting weird so I will post more pictures later on.

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