After spending time in Baltimore with my family we drove down to North Carolina to spend time with Kendra’s grandparents. The seven hour drive down there actually wasn’t too bad, Levi did a good job.
Once there I had a disagreement with a pipe, leaving us with no bathtub for Levi to use. This led to his first bath in a sink, at the age of 9.5 months. It was an interesting experience. The first time went okay, the second time was all screams.
Here he is trying to escape. There was a pot holder above him, which distracted him for a little while, but not long enough.
Here’s mama and son hanging out on the porch after church.
And here’s the view. Another pretty one after our time in Baltimore. We didn’t want to go back to Houston, the views near us are lacking.
Another trick Levi learned on his trick was sitting up then pulling up to standing in his crib. This is great fun, even in the middle of the night.
Hats are delicious, especially Texas ones. After all, Texas is the best, even if the stupid Big 12 tiebreaker robs them. Of course that’s another post.
Here’s a view from Bath, NC, oldest city in North Carolina and former home to Edward Teach, aka Blackbeard. Yes, we were standing near where a pirate once lived. Pretty cool.
Here’s an attempt at a self portrait using a stump as a tripod. Not so great. I guess I should have brought the handy tripod that I left at the house in the suitcase.
Here we are hanging out on the dock. In the background is a giant catamaran. The neighbor actually built his own sailing catamaran, which is really awesome. That’s not it in the background though, its behind that one. The one in the background belongs to a friend of the neighbor.
This is Brandy, sister to Kendra’s mom’s dog. She is also the reason I didn’t sleep well some nights. She likes to bark, at 1 am, because rain is hitting a leaf and it needs threatened.
And for my last picture I give you this gem. Self portraits with a baby can be dangerous.That’s the last of our vacation pics, exception for Levi’s Santa picture, which may get its own post if I put it on here.
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