Today, in honor of Levi’s Five month birthday I have pictures. These were taken at JC Penney’s where they have finally gone digital and with a free camera so they can move around. It allowed us to get some great shots of our little boy. He’s also getting a lot better at pictures, so that helps.
Here’s a family shot that’s going on our wall.
It took a little effort to get him to grab his toes, even though he does this all the time. Heck, when we’re changing his diaper its a fight to get him to let go of them. While I was trying to get him to they took this shot. That’s why there’s only one of my hands and not of Kendra’s.
After a little work, success!
He was a happy baby for pictures. Even still it wasn’t always easy to get him to look at the camera. The girl taking the shots had to get on the floor to get a lot of them.
He was taking a thumb sucking break during shooting. He is getting quite good a “tripoding” as Kendra calls it. he can sit up for a time, using his arms to help. Here he is swinging an arm for balance. He was totally flirting with the camera girl. She was cute. That’s my little ladies man.
Here he is, the little leaning tower of baby.Feet are just so cool, I mean have you ever just looked a them. And sometimes, people put things on your feet, and it leads to all new discoveries. Shoes!
Here he is again on his belly, flirting.
He did great getting his pictures taken and I hope he keeps it up. Going every month is going to be a lot easier with the new setup too.
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