Busy Weekend

It was a busy weekend for our household this week. It started with a nice reading of a book for Levi before bedtime though.
He’s been doing lots of tummy time lately, but he still hasn’t rolled over again since his roll on Father’s Day. Here he is hanging out and looking happy. He isn’t all that happy sometimes, but he was doing well at this time.

On Saturday there were two parties that we went to. Kendra had a baby shower that Levi went to with her, while I went to a guys “shower” which was just us hanging out eating pizza watching Arena Football playoffs.
After that was over we headed over to the Pierro house where Gus was celebrating his first birthday. Here’s Levi, Gus and Stephen hanging out, talking baby talk. This was shortly before Gus said hello to Stephen with a sharp left hook. Its hard to teach delicacy to a one year old.

Here’s Levi looking up at the streamers on the ceiling fan while Gus hangs out and plays with the Wii Fit pad. He knows how to turn the thing on and off and it makes a light turn on. Very cool.

Time for Rock Band. You can see Levi laying on the couch in the background.
After a little bit of partying Levi was ready to take a nap.

On Sunday we went to Levi’s first baseball game. Here he is all decked out in Astros gear, ready to root on the team.
Here’s proof he’s not quite sitting up by himself yet.
We used a front carrier that we borrowed from a friend to carry Levi to the game. He really liked it since he could see, and we liked it because it was a hands free device. It worked really well after the game when it was raining and I had to carry and umbrella.
Here’s a family self portrait at the game. Levi did really well at the game, taking a nap during part of the 6th and 9th innings.
Here’s that nap during the sixth inning. We were in the lead, so he relaxed. His later nap was after Loretta drove in a run to put us in the lead for the final time. In the ninth inning he slept through a lot of noise. We ended up having to wait until everyone left to get him all loaded up.
After the game we went to New York Pizzeria and then House of Pie. We didn’t remember to get any pictures out there though.

Posted in Astros, Baseball, birthdays, Levi, sports

