Here’s a shot of Levi looking cool in some overalls. They’re more complicated, but one of those things that looks cute on babies.
He wore them to bowling, but I’m guessing Kendra will post a lot of those pictures since they are with her mom and friends. This is us with Brian and Ann-Marie at the bowling alley for Kendra’s company bowling night. It was a lot of fun except they turned off the lights and did the annoying party lighting. Makes it a lot harder to bowl.
Since Levi can hold his head up really well he’s been getting to do more stuff. We cleaned up the Intellitainer thingy that the Rajajis let us borrow. It had a lot of dust on it so we wiped it all off then put him in there. He seemed to like it so I’m sure it will get a lot of use.Here’s Levi on his first swimming trip. We had been over to our friend’s house several times and missed out on the swimming, but this time we made it in time and got to enjoy it. He enjoys bath time, so we figured he might like this. It turns out he really liked it and was in the water for quite a while. Here you can see him in his special swimming gear that blocks the sun.
Kristen bought a floaty at Kroger one day on a whim because it was cheap. It was quite big for Levi, but it kept him out of the water, and with supervision worked pretty well. He seemed to like it a lot.
Here he is leaning back enjoying the water. He had a lot of fun.
Here’s a video of Levi hanging out with mommy.
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