Yesterday was our 4th Anniversary. We went and had great pork chops for lunch at Perry’s Steakhouse and then went back to work. We were hoping to see Discovery launch but it has been delayed. The latest I have heard in No Earlier Than Monday. It would have been cool for Return to Flight to happen on our Anniversary but it is much more important to launch safely.
We are all watching Hurricane Emily. Hopefully it will steer clear of Houston. We are hoping to go get plywood for our windows on Saturday so we can star fitting them and we know we have to wood.
Tomorrow a few friends and I are going shopping and then we are going to make cupcakes for a baby shower on Saturday. It will be nice to have a girls night out!
By the way, the Creative Memories show on Saturday went great!!! My friend is very close to earning the free things she wants. I even got another show booked for the end of the month! I always like going to shows becuase I get to meet so many new people.
I guess that is it for tonight. I am going to try to figure out links and I am also going to try to get pictures of our “kids” up this weekend.
Have a great evening!
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