Levi had his end of year program at his school right before our trip. Here he is with some classmates.

Here's Levi checking out his end of year scrapbook.

Levi and his friend Wade

Bethany with two of her teachers from school

Bethany and her first teacher, Ms. Christina. She actually leaned away from me to go to her when we walked up.

Levi and one of his favorite teachers, Ms. Watson

Levi and his teacher, Ms. Miranda. She was a great teacher.

The next morning we delayed heading out for our trip because Levi was upset he was going to miss singing at the end of year chapel at school.

He was having fun at first.

Then someone told him to stop doing something and he pouted the rest of the time. 5 year olds are fun.

Finally on the road, little does she know what's coming

Levi knows there's a Wii and DVD player in the car.

On the second day of our trip we went to Ruby Falls near Chattanooga.


Such a trooper

Happy family

Ruby falls is an underground cave with a waterfall. Some of the rocks are okay to rub

Fancy stalagtites

Bethany fell asleep on the way through the cave.

Some parts were quite narrow.

The camera lighting wasn't all that great because it had the wrong setting

Unfortunately you can't even see the waterfall behind us. Levi was cold by the way.

Its pretty in there

Unfortunately the lighting doesn't stay going long enough.

A lot of the formations have names on them and such.

I'm sure she was doing something here, but here's some cute crazy eyes.

Levi and Kendra.

After the cave looking around.

Happy girl finally got some food.

The whole sign on the waterfall.

The castle above the cave.
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