Levi didn’t watch TV until he was around 14 months old. He’s a pretty big fan now. Here he is trying to change channels. He’s a big fan of Bob the Builder, Dinosaur Train and Word World.
Okay, which one starts playing all 30 recorded Bob episodes.PIE! Apple pie I made for Thanksgiving. Yum.
MORE PIE! Two pumpkin pies for Thanksgiving.
Levi building an airplane with Duplos. He love his Duplos now that he’s got them more figured out.
I build towers for him to destroy. I also make planes, trains and automobiles for him to play with.
At Thanksgiving the picky ones got together so we could turn our noses up together at the more exotic dishes.
Levi hung out with his Mimi and read some books before the meal.
Then played with his uncle Matt afterward.
After his bath he wanted a little wine, but aunt Jennifer wasn’t sharing.
I think he still wanted some of the wine.
He got lots of snuggling, not all of it voluntary.
Here he is about to go for a ride with uncle Matt down the hall.
Kendra and her cousin Christa
We gave Levi a Duplo Bob the Builder toy of Scoop. He was very excited about it.
Here he is with the assembled toy.
One evening we went to Festival of Lights in Galveston with Levi’s girlfriend Olivia. Here they are together.
He rode in the stroller, walked, was carried and rode on my shoulders. It was pretty warm for late November, as you can see.
Here we are all together waiting to ride the train.
And here they two of them are playing. They were flying around like airplanes and went in for a close approach.
Here we are on the train. Levi looked away at the last minute of course.
There he is! That’s Olivia in the foreground.
And there they are together in their train car.
After the lights we went to the aquarium. I believe they’re watching either the seal or the penguins here.
Recently Levi has been playing lots of video games with me too. He loves Mawio. I play Super Mario Galaxy and he laughs as I blow things up, swim and basically frustrate Bowser and his minions.
A few days ago we got around to setting up our Christmas tree. Our outside lights are up, but we hadn’t done the inside ones yet. Levi helped hang the ornaments. We also setup his nativity. Its from Little Tykes, so its perfect for him. When you press the angel it plays a song, too.
Here we are putting some decorations on the tree.
Then he noticed the Little Drummer Boy Little Tykes set. I’m not sure we’ll be able to pack this stuff up.
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