I hadn’t realized it had been so long since my last post, so here comes a lot of pictures. Sorry, not all of them are about Levi. We haven’t been taking our camera with us as much lately. We haven’t really gone anywhere special aside from the pictures here. He’s usually moving so much we are just trying to keep up with him, not take pictures.
Anyways, back in August Kendra and I took our first weekend away to go to Austin and see Wicked. While we were there we ate some good food and toured around.
This is a fried avocado from Trudy’s in Austin. Its a great restaurant and great dish.
This is the stage of Wicked before the show. For such a gigantic structure you would think it was part of the story. It wasn’t.
Here we are all spiffed up in Bass Concert Hall on Campus in Austin.
Later we went to Oasis, a restaurant near Austin looking out onto Lake Travis. Its a great view, and the food wasn’t bad either.
Those islands on the left aren’t supposed to be there, the water is just incredibly low. They added a good bit of character to the picture though. It was a beautiful sunset. Anyone going up to Austin with their significant other should definitely check this place out. As a college student I never made it out there, but its nice.
You can see how low the water is from the lack of vegetation on the lower part of the coast.
Its a beautiful view from up in the restaurant.
As you can see the place is tiered to provide the maximum number of sunset views.
Here we are before our meal, enjoying drinks and the view.
Here’s my lovely bride.
And her lucky husband.
Like I said, pretty sunset.
Proof we were there together.
Another nice one.
Here’s a shot of some people’s boat ramps. They don’t even go down far enough to handle the drought. That’s just sad.
Still pretty.
And now with less umbrellas.
And a self portrait to end the night.
We’ve had a stray cat hanging around our house lately. Apparently she found a spot either the storm or the roofers messed up and has be living in our attic. Tyler was not happy about seeing her.
Here I am hanging out with Levi looking at his “juice” book. He doesn’t say Scoop very well. Scoop is a backhoe construction vehicle and this book is full of those and other things, so he’s pretty happy with it. We’re both wearing Longhorn gear to represent for our team.
In September we got to go to the Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory to see where the astronauts train. One of our friends works with them doing training and helping them during spacewalks as a flight controller. Actually two of our friends do, but we went to visit one of them.
Here’s our friend, Brian, suited up with Kendra, me and another friend, Priscilla.
Here we are with him all sealed up and ready to go.
They lift the people up and slowly lower them into the water for training.
It has to be a bit weird.
Across the pool are some astronauts about to train for an upcoming mission. In the foreground under the water are several of the full size models for training. They mimic the space station.
Levi likes brooms. Actually he likes anything with a stick. If only he was cleaning up messes, not making them.
Here’s Levi’s buddy Olivia. She’s been coming over Tuesday and Thursday afternoons recently. Levi and her took a ride in his wagon one afternoon.
They seem to be having a good time. They’re very close in age and height. She’s a cutie.
Here he is with the remote trying to change the channel. Football was on and he wanted to watch Bob the builder. He’s wearing is T is for Texas L is for Longhorn shirt. So many cute shirts for kids.
I decided to mess with Lily and pick her up. She stiffens up and has no idea how to react. Levi originally got up there to hassle her. Now he’s trying to see past mommy to the TV.
And back to bothering Lily.
A neighbor took out a bunch of dirt from his back yard to build a patio. It was all sitting on his driveway until he got a front loader and a dump truck to take it away. Levi was captivated by the Scoop and Muck (from Bob the Builder).
He sat with Kendra quite calmly for a long time.
Its the most attention span I’ve ever seen from him.
Kendra and I kept our streak of Astros game seasons alive with a game in their last week of home play. They’ve been horrible, but we’ve been to a game for the last 12 years straight.
We went down to help with the Galveston Street Ministry with our church group last weekend. Here we are after handing out food to people in need.
We were close to the Strand on Galveston Island, so we went to check the area out. I knew the water had gotten high, but it puts it in new perspective to see it up close.
Luckily a lot of businesses have recovered, including La Kings, which has great taffy and other candy, plus fresh ice cream. We tried out a few things and enjoyed it all.
Hopefully it won’t be another month or two to the next post. We’ll have to try to take more pictures too. Our smaller camera is broken, so we have to carry the big one around to do it.
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