Here’s Levi with his buddy Wade. I work with Wade’s mom, so after water play I got to take the pictures back and show her.
He was wandering all over the place playing in the water. He had this shovel in his hand as he ran around.
There’s a good view of the shovel.
Last week on Friday Levi and I were solo while Kendra went scrapbooking. I set up the sprinkler and the pool in the front yard for him.
He liked the sprinkler a lot, but only on certain settings. If the water hit him in the face too much he was not a fan.
Here he is a little too close, so he was turning away.
For Father’s Day I got some prizes. Here’s my balloon, or as Levi says. Balloo.
Last Year Kendra and Levi got me a cookie card instead of a regular one. This is great since I have no idea what to do with a regular card. On the other hand this kind of food is edible. Sounds good to me.
My gift, along with some money I decided to throw in so I could get it wa this TiVo hard drive.
On Saturday we took Levi to get some new shoes. We got him these really cute Converse All Stars. They are high tops and they can be double knotted, so they stay on better.
My other gift was this shirt. You can see Levi and I match.
Here we are at Olive Garden. Levi was having fun. Unfortunately, he has learned he can shriek, and was doing this half of dinner. It was a little stressful.
Kendra got Levi this really awesome shirt, so I just had to post some of the shots. I’m sure she’ll post some too. Its a Mr. Potato Head shirt. Awesome.
This is a great shot of him looking like a big boy. Very toddler like.
And here’s why we like water play so much. It has been very hot out. This is 101 degrees at 6 pm. That means it was hotter earlier probably. Yuck. It also hasn’t rained at our house since sometime in May. Its been a bit much.
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