After escaping from Alcatraz we walked down to fisherman’s wharf. We got to see the sea lions out there. Levi thought this was a lot of fun. There were a couple of them wrestling with each other. The first one would push the second one into the water. The second one would swim around to the other side, get back up and push the first one in. All the while they were barking at each other. It was funny.Here they are sleeping by their sign. Most of them looked quite comfy.
Here’s the two wrestlers.
Here’s Kendra and Levi with his normal face for the trip.
He was a lot happier once he was picked up to see what was going on.
After the sea lions we went to eat. We went to Boudin cafe, at this place that is famous for sourdough bread. They are baking it all day long. This contraption is used to move the bread from the baking area to the sales area.
Here’s some of the cool bread shapes they make.
Some more.
And more.
This is in the bakery area.
And here’s some ready to bake
There is another picture that should have gone up with this one that I’ll upload later. They have a baker standing there talking to the crowd. She was hamming it up and was talking to Levi. When she was done she told us to meet her to the side. She brought out a little sourdough bear with a hula skirt on it. We should have a picture of it somewhere as well. Here’s Levi showing his appreciation of carbs.
The sign for Fisherman’s Wharf.
And here we are on the street car heading back towards our hotel after a long day.
More to come.
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