One year pictures

We finally got Levi’s one year pictures taken. He was always running into something, or someone was sick or some other reason. Now that he’s basically 14 months we got them taken. Here they are.

Levi saw an apple sitting in the area and wanted to play with it. He kept saying “ball”, “ball”, “ball”.

This is a good one.

Another great shot
Here he is with his “ball”. We were trying to get him to play with his wagon.
We got him sitting on the chair and then Kendra decided to put the ONE on there and we got this shot. He wasn’t all that happy about being up there at first. He couldn’t figure out how to get down.
A little face to face shot with mommy.
Cheek to cheek with daddy.
Levi loves flipping over and hanging around.
He did pretty well in this shot, but he wanted put down.
A little artistic shot.
And another artistic one.
Mommy looks a little unsure, but he loves doing this.

We had trouble keeping him in the studio this time, but we got some good ones.

Posted in Levi, portraits

