I started a post with pictures on Saturday night and haven’t gotten any more time to put words with the pictures. I can email this in so at least it is somewhat of an update.

We have been pretty busy recently. Last weekend we went and attempted to take Pumpkin Patch pictures. When I post the pictures, you will see why I say attempt. Right as we put Levi down, he started crying. Not just fussing but actual tears. He was ok when we would carry him but then start back up if we put him back down. We m might go this weekend and try again. My only guess is that he was tired. He hadn’t napped very well that morning.

Sunday night we found out that the AC blower in our house had stopped working. The repair people came out yesterday and said it is a blown circuit board. Most likely due to a roof leak. They are coming today to repair it. Luckily it can go as storm damage and be covered by insurance. Also a blessing is that it has been great weather here. If it were much warmer, we would be staying at family houses.

Levi is moving around a lot more recently. He isn’t quite crawling yet but he gets on his belly and wiggles back and forth and pushes with his hands and feet across the floor to get places. We are going to have to tape down some speaker wires and relocate the laptop.

Overall things are going really well. We are so blessed to have a house to worry about the AC going out and a fence to repair! I have to always remind myself to look for the positive in life and enjoy it. This is a hard, hard thing for me to do. I have a bad habit of comparing my house to that of my friends. I go home and look at all that needs to be done and go crazy. There have been times where Robert has told me that I can only do 1 more thing and then I have to sit down and relax.

Here are a few things I am thankful for recently:

Free coffee when stopping on a rainy day to get gas
Beautiful weather
A baby that is incredibly happy majority of the time
A loving husband who makes me slow down and relax at the end of the day
Wonderful parents who help out whenever we ask

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