High Chairs and Hats

Levi has had a high chair since before he was born. However, he didn’t have the neck strength to stay up in it until recently. This week I decided to put it together and see how it worked. He wasn’t so sure about the whole concept, but he seemed to fit in it fine. Previously when we ate he would sit in his rocker and we’d rock him. The problem with this, at least from his point of view is he is far away from us. Not to mention the frequency with which dog snouts appear in his view. Now he will be at our level and I think he’ll enjoy that a lot more.

Bailey thinks this is a great thing. Once Levi starts eating more solids I’m sure the dogs will be circling like sharks at every meal. Here is Bailey taking a look at his new food delivery system. I have a feeling the dogs may be put up a lot during dinner in the future.
A few years ago I met someone at a work training program that was a knitter. Little did I know I was getting in with a bad crowd. Apparently there is a group of outlaw knitters. The Clear Lake Outlaw Knitters (CLOK). Some time back, at about 2 am our doorbell rang. We went to the door, having woken up but saw no one out there. Living near Houston we decided it wasn’t worth it to open the door and end up home invaded or something. The next morning we found we had been CLOK’d. This little orange cap was on one of our yard lights. Its been in our room since, but Levi just had some outfits that looked good with it, so here’s a shot of it.

I can’t find a link to it, but apparently these crazy outlaw knitters recently hit an art museum nearby and tagged it with some scarves. The art museum people, being arsty people, liked it, and I think it even ended up in a local paper. Pretty cool, even if they are a bad crowd.

Posted in CLOK, Knitting, Levi

