We just got back from our appointment and it turns out that I am 2 cm dilated already. They hooked me up for a non-stress test to monitor baby movements and hear rate and everything looks great. This is something the typically do for patients with gestational diabetes. The doctor is doubting I will make it to the 21st of Feb. but then again who knows. I go every week now so we will keep an eye on things and keep yall updated.
We have aborted the glaze stripes idea now and are just going to touch up the paint on the walls and go from there. I picked up our bedding yesterday and it is super cute! My mom is coming over on Monday to help me wash things and get the crib made up.
If anyone wants to come over and help us get some stuff finished up, we would love the help. Robert is just hoping I make it past the Super bowl. My goal is 3 more weeks. That will put me at 38 weeks. The longer little boys can stay in, the better off they are.
Love, Kendra
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