18 weeks

Well so much has happened since the last update.

Robert went on his first business trip last week to Pittsburgh.  He was asked on the Thursday afternoon before the class started so we didn’t really have a lot of time to get things around the house ready.  He goes back October. 15-19 and then another week in November.  I’m hoping to join him some in November.  We just need to figure out it his company will pay for his flight out earlier than normal and if there is enough for me to go do during the day using the public transportation.  It sure will be cold there too! 

My parents helped prep and paint our downstairs bathroom last week.  Rhonda and my Dad came over to wipes the walls down and remove the fixtures and Charlie and my Mom came over a couple of days later to paint.  It is a nice lavender shade.  It looks really nice.  I didn’t realize how drab it was till we got a coat of decent paint on the walls.

I have also started going to the chiropractor for my hip pain.  We think it might be the nerves and it does seem to be getting better.  Please be praying for my pain to subside.  I have been told it could get worse.  The dr. is also going to teach me some exercises to do with the balance ball and resistance bands.  I am also hoping to start a pregnancy yoga class too.  I’m up for anything that will make me stronger during labor and delivery.

I am up to July for my scrapbook now.   I am so happy to be getting caught up.  I am already thinking about the baby album.

Speaking of the baby, I am 99% sure that I felt it move this weekend.  It was after I ate some fudge on Friday.  We have our big ultrasound tomorrow!  We are inviting our parents over for a Baby Blockbuster night to watch the DVD.   I’ll make sure to post on here what we are having after they all watch it. 

Well I think that’s all for now.  Seems like a lot more happened over the last 2 weeks…

Overall I am feeling great. 

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2 comments on “18 weeks
  1. Melissa says:

    So is it a boy or a girl? The suspense is killing me 😉

  2. Jodi says:

    Yay for feeling great! Hope that hip thing gets better….

    Ready for the big announcement!

