Paying bills off!!!

Well Robert’s car is paid off as of last week!    It is such a good feeling to have BOTH cars paid for!  Now it is onto school loans and the house.  That is debt I am a bit more comfortable with having because it helps us out.  Credit Card and Cars is debt I didn’t like having at all!  We are doing a lot better with not spending as much and it is a great feeling.  Especially knowing that when we have kids, I’d like to have to option of staying home at least part time.

The wedding was great.  God really blessed Stephen and Amy with BEAUTIFUL weather!  I hear it was rainy all weekend in Houston.  Please do be praying for Amy’s Mom Linda.  When we got to the rehearsal lunch on Saturday, she missed the last 2 steps and fell and broke her leg.  They wanted to do surgery but she refused since that would mean missing the wedding on Sunday.  I believe she was going to be having surgery today so please pray that everything heals well.  She was in great spirits considering everything going on. 

Well off to Weight Watchers.  Hopefully I do ok since we have been out of town so much recently.

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