Ok, so I need to update more often….

I found out this weekend that people do actually read my blog. Once again, I will try to update on a more regular basis. I guess the picture of Robert also describes how I have been with updating.

Robert graduated on the 9th!!!! I have pictures but they are at home on the computer. I will try to post them tonight. I do have one with me. Robert was wanting to wear this shirt really bad. He was able to pull it off afterall and still look great with his gown on.

This last weekend we took our bikes out and went Geocaching. We had 25 finds!! That is a record high for us. We went to the Baytown Nature Center and Frankie Randolph Park. The BNC is an old neighborhood that kept being flooded during hurricanes. FEMA bought them out and leveled the houses. Nature has since taken over and the old roads are trails. There is a butterfly garden and the place seems to be popular for fishing. You can look across the Bay and see the San Jacinto Monument.

We also met up with Stephen this last weekend at Starbucks. It sure was good to catch up with him. It was neat to talk about all that God has in store for us and the various seasons of life we all go through.

Oh yeah! I won money at church!!! I went through a 13 week finance class called Financial Peace University and if you attended all sessions you got entered into a drawing. My name was picked and I won 500.00!!! I was shocked to say the least. I probably looked like a crazy person but oh well. Robert and I went to the Finger’s Furniture Bargain Basement and found a new kitchen table. It was a great deal and I still have money left over. It is pine with 4 chairs.

This coming weekend I get to go to a Scrapbook Beach Retreat! A friend of mine has a beach house on Bolivar and she has a ladies weekend every May. I am going on Friday and coming back Saturday evening. It is going to be so much fun to be able to work on my albums the whole time! I might go to the beach a bit but not planning on it right now.

I think that is it for now. Like I said, I will try to update more often.


Edit to add: I am still trying to figure out how to post pictures. You get the idea for now.

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