She started out small, but she sure is chunking up

Dr. Witz was our fertility specialist when we were having trouble getting pregnant.

Nana and Paw Paw came over for a visit.

Nana played slap jack with Levi

Wrigley, Matt and Jennifer came to Levi's soccer game.

My mom grabbed a chance to hold a baby, even one not related to her.

Matt got some niece time too.

Granddaddy hanging out with Wrigley.

Aunt Jennifer with her little niece.

All the grandkids with Mimi and Jennifer.

Levi with grandma and grandpa

We had a great time at William Esbeck's birthday party.

Everyone played games and bowled at Main Event

The birthday boy

Dance Dance

They really liked this, though they weren't very good.

Levi holding Bethany.

Kendra's Paw Paw Jancha and his friend Alice came for a visit when they were in town.

We got several good pictures

We got a great picture of the kids with them after bath too

A shot with Kendra and Paw Paw Jancha

One more shot

Tyler decided to take a bath and left his tongue out.

I couldn't resist a shot of our neighbor Kostas on his kid's motorized scooter.

My beautiful little longhorn.

Reading with bethany

Levi helped with some holiday cooking

Batman in the Christmas tree.

Levi pointing out Batman

Having fun.

Accessorizing is important

We like this little outfit.

2 month pictures

They sure love each other.

She's gazing at him.

Dickinson Festival of Lights

Our traditional light tunnel picture

Another with different lighting

Levi decorating a cookie

Olivia doing the same.

William working on his

Walking through the lights

Bethany is a fan of shiny things.

Just like teenagers forced to take a picture.

The Esbecks.

Holding hands

Finishing up

Being silly in the parking lot. He didn't want to hug and pose.

Levi and his class I think at the school fall festival

Wade and another classmate

Berit and Julie

Levi and another Julie playing in the hay.

Josi and Levi get ready to play a game at the Geocaching Olympics, watched over by Joni.

More competitors

A future champion

Levi, Wrigley, Mimi and Granddaddy

Sideways Bethany

Mimi and Levi

The group for Thanksgiving.
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