April Showers, No May Flowers

It pretty much hasn’t rained since April, but that doesn’t stop us all from playing outside and inside.
Here’s a shot of Levi with Tyler.  This outfit is really cute.  Unfortunately, it is also easy to take off.  When we picked him up from school he wasn’t wearing it.  He kept taking off the overalls.

Here’s a cute shot of the outfit.
Kendra’s brother Matt just graduated from college.  Here we are at his graduation.
After the graduation we were hanging out having cake, but we didn’t have a high chair.  That didn’t stop us, instead Uncle Matt’s belt helped out.  Levi wasn’t sure about that idea.
One day after church we stopped and got ice cream from Sonic.  Levi enjoyed himself.
Playing with bubbles afterwards was even more fun.
After that I set up the bike trailer we got to try it out.  
Levi wasn’t a huge fan, but he’ll warm up to it.  Before we do a lot more riding around we’ll have to get him a helmet.
Levi and I have a fun little deal where we both pat our bellies with our shirts of.  Levi thinks this is hilarious.  For some reason mommy doesn’t want to join us.
Here he is patting his belly.
Levi has several Hawaiian outfits he’s gotten from family members.  Here he is in one of them playing with a hair brush.
For my birthday I got a new pan and I am just now getting to try it out.  I made some Feta Dill bread that was really good.  I love the pans, they make a big difference.
We made the bread on a big cooking day.  We also made some taco soup.
And some spaghetti sauce.  
And chocolate chip waffles.
And lasagna.
And Mexican lasagna.  It was a good cooking day and helped stock us up.
First we had a dog on the roof, now we have a cat.  
Here’s the cat hanging out in our gutter.  This is the same cat Lily was jumping like a spaz at.
Levi loves playing with bubbles and he was doing the same tonight.  He knew there was a kitty on the roof, so he kept going to the side to see it.
There’s a bunch of construction going on near our house.  This in itself is annoying, but easy to deal with.
This on the other hand is not.  Our street is usually really close to the main road, except they’ve destroyed the connecting road for the next month.   Now I have to drive through the whole neighborhood to get out.  Its not an ideal situation.
Levi and Kendra followed me down to where I took the pictures of the street.  Here they are walking back.  His shirt says “going bananas”.  He’s a cutie.

Posted in bellies, construction, cooking, graduation, Levi

