Here are some recent pictures of the little man of our house. He sports UT outfits every weekend. This is what he wore to church on Sunday. We decorated the pumpkin we got last weekend. We got these pieces you push into and create your own character. We let Levi pick out the pieces and he created a Cig. (Cat-Pig combo) You can see more pictures on Robert’s page.
He got a cute outfit that says ” This is my costume” and wore it to school last week. Turns out, he came home early with an ear infection and looking back at the pictures, he doesn’t look like he feels his best. Luckily we got him on medicine and he is feeling better now.
Thursday was Nana’s birthday. We surprised her for a birthday dinner.
Nana and PawPaw came over and hung out on Sunday afternoon. We had fun playing with them.
Levi isn’t quite crawling yet but he is getting really close. He rolls like crazy to get where he wants to go.
Here he is in a new Hawaiian outfit that Grandma and Grandpa got him. It was a little big for him at first and now it fits him better.
Halloween pictures will be coming up this weekend. We aren’t doing much but Levi does have a costume to wear. We are going to try to get pictures with his friend Eric at school.
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