Levi was 1 month old on Sunday. He is doing great. Busy growing and being as cute as ever. We love him so much. Even when he is screaming his head off in our ears 🙂 I am getting nice big Mommy muscles.

Warning: There are a lot of pictures on this post. Sorry about taking so long to update.

This shirt was very appropriate for this day. Boy that was a tough night!!He is starting to like bath time more and more. He looks worried here but I think he was just trying to figure things out.
Our friend Kristen is a great baby holder. Here they are at Taco night.
Hooded towels rock!

Here he is with Paw Paw Driver. Next time Nana comes over, we will make sure to get a good picture of them together.
Levi hanging out with Grandpa and Grandma Walker.
Just hanging out.
Spending time with Granny after celebrating Mommy and Daddy’s birthdays.
Grandpa Charlie was there as well.

Here is Levi on his first Geocaching trip. It was a beautiful day outside so we decided to get some caches along a walking trail. He did great. His caching name is The Tater Tot.

This is the outfit we brought him home in. We put it on him again for his first church trip. It fit him a lot better this time. One thing about newborn sizes is they are still huge on the babies. By the way, his legs have chunked up. The way this picture is taken, it makes his leg look really thin.

Here he in on the way to his first Taco night. Obviously he has blue eyes. He loves to go places in his carrier.

Uncle Matt and soon to be Aunt Jennifer came to visit one afternoon.

Here is Levi enjoying his new swing that Nana and Paw Paw got him.

That’s it for now. Thanks for looking!

Kendra and Levi

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2 comments on “
  1. Jodi says:

    Wow, he has changed a lot! Love the pics!!! Such a cutie!

  2. Robert S says:

    you posted some of the same ones I did a few days ago. We’ll have to coordinate our baby luvin posts.

